
Monday, December 14, 2015

23 Months a Vegan! Before and After Pictures.

Rhona Snow Fidler and me 12-31-2013
     That's me the day before I changed over to a whole foods plant based lifestyle with my forever friend, Rhona. We met in Kindergarten in 1960 and met again in a local restaurant 55 years later. If you or your children are interested in dance, Rhona owns two wonderful dance studios in our area. My wife and I took some ballroom dance classes at her Birmingham location last year and had a lot of fun! Its great exercise too. Try it, you'll like it.

Dance City
685 S. Adams Rd.
Birmingham, Michigan 48009

 Look at the great shape she's in!!! On her left is me when I was the opposite of in shape.
      I've passed the 23 month mark and am creeping up on 2 years of healthy living. Do I miss anything?  Maybe pizza.  But I don't miss having to wear XXL clothes, taking blood pressure and cholesterol pills, feeling tired, being easily winded, perspiring even from activity like eating, having joint pain all the time making it painful just to stand up in the morning, needing help to get off the couch when laying down, wearing a C-PAP machine to make sure I didn't stop breathing at night or the embarrassment I felt just from being so fat.  I can do without the pizza, but thanks for asking.

     Here's a picture of me taken last night out to dinner with my grandson and most of my immediate family at the table. I had the big salad with red wine vinegar and pepper. Hold the cheese.
Me and my grandson 12/13/2015
The kid needs hugs. It says so right on his shirt. Had I not changed my lifestyle, I think there would have been several years worth of hugs from me he would have missed.
     Now that I think of it, I don't really miss pizza at all.