
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Crazy Vegan Diet #MaxHealth #EatToLose

Dr.Allan Kalmus
    I had a 4 month appointment with my Physician this week. Funny, because when I weighed 274 lbs, had high blood pressure and high cholesterol and was talking pills for those things, he only wanted to see me once a year. Now that I weigh 178 lbs, my blood pressure is 105/72 and my total cholesterol as of 2 days ago is 147 (WITHOUT ANY MEDICATION!) he needs to see me every 4 month's. I think he's afraid that the change in me is temporary and he wants to monitor me closely to make sure I don't explode or something.  I don't mind. Every time I go, my resulting feedback is that everything points to me being healthier than the previous visit, and the one before that, and the one before that, etc.
     In his words: "Anyone who thinks a vegan diet doesn't make a difference is crazy!"

I used to be crazy.
I am no longer crazy.
How about you?